One of the things I love about living in California is the abundance of fresh, affordable produce. Especially at this time of the year - the fruit is just so good. Strawberries are one of my favorites. They are grown at farms right down the street and can be purchased at road side stands as well as at the grocery stores. It is possible to get a pound of strawberries for 88 cents at some times during the year!
I bought some strawberries yesterday and I must admit that while delicious, they are also a little bit scary. I am even going to call them Mutant Strawberries. They are HUGE!! Some of them are almost as big as the apples I bought, and others are definitely bigger than the clementines we have. I'm not sure if this naturally occurs in nature or if it is done by mutating the strawberry genes so much that they might become unrecognizable. For now, I'll just eat them and enjoy and hope they aren't too bad for us. Here are some pictures to prove I'm not kidding...
This apple is what I'd consider normal size |
OK, so this angle fools the eye a little bit |
The strawberry is actually larger than the clementine - crazy!
That IS a mutant strawberry. But it also looks so yummy...