Our neighbors ratted us out. We're not sure which neighbors did it, but apparently we put our trash cans out on two Sunday afternoons a little bit too early for their taste. We live in a community with a homeowner's association (HOA) and some folks seem to take it pretty seriously. There is a giant rule book that we have to follow to a T - and I guess we are now labeled as rule breakers.
The spies thought we should be notified by mail - so instead of nicely knocking on our door and letting us know the rules (Sunday "evening" is the earliest we can put our bins outside for Monday pick up) they ratted us out to the management company who proceeded to take the time, energy and resources needed to write, print, and mail two letters letting us know how bad we are. The third time would have resulted in a fine.
I must admit that the letters made me laugh a little bit and I wish I knew what neighbor tattled on us. I think I'd like to leave them a nice thank you note in their mailbox...or maybe I'll just put a big smiley face on the side of our trash cans for them.
I'm not completely against the rules of the HOA as I think it keeps the general look and feel of the neighborhood very nice, but it isn't like we were trashing the neighborhood. Other silly rules are that you can't install a basketball hoop in your driveway and if you have a mobile hoop, it must be stored out of site from the street when not in use. Seems pretty silly to me, but we'll do our best to follow the rules...
If life were only that complicated. Some people have nothing else to do. It was probably the "neighbor" across the street who looks the other way when you smile and wave hello!!!!! It good to have a sense of humor on those kind of days.